These exercises cover the matrices sections of Introduction to R.

Exercise 1

geneNames <- c("Gene_1", "Gene_2", "Gene_3","Gene_4")
expression <- c(1000, 3000, 10000, 12000)
geneLengths <- c(100, 3000, 200, 1000)
geneMatrix <- cbind(expression,geneLengths)
rownames(geneMatrix) <- geneNames
##        expression geneLengths
## Gene_1       1000         100
## Gene_2       3000        3000
## Gene_3      10000         200
## Gene_4      12000        1000

HINT - We calculated LNE before in vectors exercises’ bonus question

lne <- geneMatrix[,"expression"]/geneMatrix[,"geneLengths"]
geneMatrix <- cbind(geneMatrix,lne)
##        expression geneLengths lne
## Gene_1       1000         100  10
## Gene_2       3000        3000   1
## Gene_3      10000         200  50
## Gene_4      12000        1000  12
smallGeneMatrix <- geneMatrix[geneMatrix[,"geneLengths"] > 200,]
##        expression geneLengths lne
## Gene_2       3000        3000   1
## Gene_4      12000        1000  12
smallGeneMatrix <- geneMatrix[geneMatrix[,"geneLengths"] > 200 & geneMatrix[,"expression"] > 300,c("expression","lne")]
##        expression lne
## Gene_2       3000   1
## Gene_4      12000  12

Bonus Question

- Calculate the sum of expression and length columns for only genes with length > 100.

expressionSum <- sum(geneMatrix[geneMatrix[,"geneLengths"] > 100,"expression"])
geneLengthSum <- sum(geneMatrix[geneMatrix[,"geneLengths"] > 100,"geneLengths"])
expressionAndGeneLengthSum <- colSums(geneMatrix[geneMatrix[,"geneLengths"] > 100,c("expression","geneLengths")])
##  expression geneLengths 
##       25000        4200